
The Original Writers Group

Free your imagination.

Now online, the Original Writers Group meets every Tuesday evening on Zoom from 7 to 9 pm GMT.

​We have many members: poets, novelists, playwrights, scriptwriters, historians, philosophers. It is a rich mix and makes a lively evening. Bring your work, whether these are short stories, poems, essays or just ideas and join us for an evening of chatting, sharing, planning, commiserating, pontificating - and all things about writing. This is the perfect place to workshop your writing.

Even if you are just starting out and are just interested in writing, come along and experience the evening. As sometimes the best motivation to write is to hear how others got there before you.

​Occasionally writers ask if they can read from their published work. This doesn't work for us as part of the enjoyment for listeners is in giving feedback. A published book is like a word carved in stone. There is nothing we can say. And that, as they say, is most disappointing. So we stick to work in progress, whether that is a first or tenth draft. That's when the group works best- both for the writer and the listener.



Let's get started together writing our adventure romance novels! 


Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer)

Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer) is a group where you can access a variety of energies for healing and growth. 


Young Writers Tips-The Universe of Writing Fictions


This is a very new group, created by a professional writer. All ages are welcome to join this group, no matter the experience you have in writing! There is no need in knowing how to write novels, you can learn overtime from people who wish to help and improve other people's skills. As you join, tell the community what you like to read/write and so on. I'm sure they'll like what they hear!

Also, I'll be creating a Discord group once more people start joining, I'll drop a link and my personal Discord if you want to privately message me there.

And one last thing. It doesn't matter if you are not a native English speaker, no one is English after all! I am not a native English speaker myself, but as the time passed I started writing in English like I write in my native language!

That would be all! I wish you a comfortable stay here and good luck at making friends here!


Animal writers


this is a group for all you writers out there who enjoy writing about animals in your story. Were a nice group and are all kind


Romance Writing Group

A group for romance writers to discuss writing, ask for feedback, find critique partners, and build community


All writers!

A writing group for all! I am a writer myself with two in the works right now, “Ye Gods Of The Olden world.” and “Bonds Beyond Time.” 


D&D Advenchers

we write D&D stories & make our own campaigns out of it


Professional Services

Meet new friends for support and feedback on your journey to getting published, or find a writing course and improve your skills.